Interways Works Limited


The company’s business strategy is built on three critical elements: diversity, financial strength and people. It is these three elements, working in unison, that are key to our success.

The company’s business strategy is based on diversity. A range of our services throughout the region, our unique brand of operations and our geographical variation has continued to ensure timely service delivery on different projects, Over the years, this has resulted in a progressive shift away from being a construction-only entity operating in one market to being a multi-faceted international  contractor. Today, Interways is a market leader in the Construction Industry in Kenya and East Africa.

Diversity has added momentum to our organization’s evolution into a financially strong and uniquely structured contracting and project development group with an expanded industry focus. It has also allowed the group’s operating companies to utilize the full depth of their expertise and skills in a range of industries and market sectors, not just across Kenya, but also in, Southern Sudan, Burundi, Guinea, Rwanda, and Uganda.

Diversity has allowed the company to navigate its ways through the cyclical nature of its key markets whilst still providing growth for its Director’s.

Like industries and economies that we operate in, the company also has its own cycles of growth and maturity, with a unique corporate culture and a depth of management that supports autonomy and competition across a variety of markets.

The company offers a total value-added service to clients supported by its financial strength.

Each of our offices maintains individual identities in the marketplace and has their own advisory board or management committee and distinct corporate culture. Each company has a high level of autonomy and responsibility, and each is encouraged to develop its own markets and clients relationships.